Problem: the boat always like to round up against the wind strongly

I am an owner of a Omega 34.

Fantastic sailing boat, but the problem I have is that the boat always like to round up against the wind strongly with 4 beaufort or more. I have a new mainsail, the mast straight up (not backwards) and even then the boat likes to turn up against the wind.

I have found 2 tests of an Omega 34 (Laettseglad och enkel 6/97 and Foer Segel 1994). Both are not in English and connot read this.

Can anybody tell me more about this ?

RobertVolker / HOLLAND

In 2005-05-13 - För Segel nr 1 (roderoptimering, bussningar till hjärtstocken, polardiagram), see Tips, there is an article that describes a skew (not symmetric) rudder that causes the boat to turn heavily in one direction. Cavities or bumps of 5-10 mm may cause this behaviour.

If your boat turns heavily upwind in both directions, perhaps you have another problem. Anyway, a check if the rudder is symmetric might eliminate that cause.

-- SvenLoefgren - 29 Mar 2007

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Topic revision: r2 - 2007-03-29 - SvenLoefgren
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