Sailing Omega in Holland?

How about spending hollidays in an Omega 34 abroad.

Now my boat is stored out of the water and then I was thinking if it maybe is possible to change boats for say 2 weeks with another Omega 34 owner.

There are much possibilities to sail in the Netherlands.

We are living in the Northern part (called Friesland , town = Sneek) where there are a lot of lakes. They might be shallow, but the bottom is muddy, so no problem to hit the ground.

Also the IJsselmeer is very nice (= former sea) , without tide and with several very old towns like Hindeloopen, Medemblik, Enkhuizen, Hoorn and Amsterdam.

The Waddensea is also an opportunity, with some shallow waters (sand bottom), with high and low tide. Nice Islands are Terschelling, Vlieland, Texel and a very nice harbour called Harlingen.

If you are interrested, please let me know. Our favourite time should be week 2 and 3 of June.

Med sejlerhilsen,
Rienk Bakker
D-283 - omega





-- via mail to SvenLoefgren - 23 Dec 2015

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